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Search results

  1. Olivier

    in the hospital and waiting

    god man, i am in the hospital delivering room and waiting. such a torturing.
  2. Olivier

    FS : Yellow tang

    I have 3 yellow tangs for sale. they are deep yellow and very healthy. they are all getting along. size is between 4-5". asking $50 OBO. Olivier
  3. Olivier

    New IceCap 660 Ballast Broke

    I bought a icecap 660 ballast at OG-II about 6-7 months ago in planning to setup at 5 Retrofit. I plugged in last Mite and light flick on and off. I thought it must be connection. I did all continuity checked and all wired are fine. i switch to second hand ballast and light up fine. My...
  4. Olivier

    Metal Halid Reflector

    I want to buy a metal halid reflector for retrofit. let me know
  5. Olivier

    OMG ! women world cup

    OMG women world cup just give me heart attack.
  6. Olivier

    FS frags and frag for meeting

    I have a few large frags of green cap with purple rim. they are in the size of my palm and larger. I have 3 frags total 1 frag donate to club for raffle and 2 frags is $20 each. pickup at my house or at meeting location. I can ask Jonathan a.k.a Howzei to bring it to the meeting. he might not go.
  7. Olivier

    WTB: T5 End Caps

    I would like to buy 6 T5 end cap with stand-off. Please contact me if you have it. Olivier
  8. Olivier

    WTB: T5 end cap

    hi everyone, I am looking for 6 pieces of t5 end cap. let me know if you want to sell it. Olivier
  9. Olivier

    Club Donation or come get it

    I am cleaning out my house, my garage and my back yard due due to direct order from my superior officer at home a.k.a WIFE. I have the following items donate to the club or member who needed. 1) a 20 gallon long sump/refugium. I made it with 3 sections. drain, refug, return with baffle for...
  10. Olivier

    T5 Article

    I need to make a T5 fixture for my tank soon and I looking for the article of T5 light that Hawkeyes posted back then. Can someone repost the link again? thanks Olivier
  11. Olivier

    Need help with metal halide

    hi everyone, does anyone has a 250W metal halide ballast laying around that I can borrow for about 1 month? mine just die last 2 weeks ago while my house is in renovation. I think it die due to over heat. anyway, I plan to do a T5 fixture for a while but does not have time to work on the...
  12. Olivier

    questioning about group buy

    are we still on schedule for group buy?
  13. Olivier

    laying eggs

    my clown fish is laying eggs for the first time in my DT tank. what's next?
  14. Olivier

    help to bring the color back to RBTA

    Now, how do i keep my RBTA in deep red again? i don't know what happen to my tank but the RBTA lost its redness. I knew that I have my tank parameter out of wack for 1 month or 2 months long. as now (1 month) the water parameters are stable (ph 8.1-8.2, temp 79 to 82, magnesium 1250-1350...
  15. Olivier

    metal halide with T5 question

    hi everyone, I currently have a Metal halide light fixture and want to add T5 light into the fixture for supplement light and moon light. What type of T5 light should I get and color type as well? can I use these T5 bulbs as moonlight purpose? my MH light fixture is 72" long. I am thinking of...
  16. Olivier

    F/S 75 RR tank, AquaC Skimmer, (Somerville)

    i have two items for sale 1) 75 gallons RR tank. it has a lot of scratchs. i used it as my sump. i would not recommend to use it as a display tank. however, it can be use as a frag tank or hospital tank. Asking price $50 (SOLD) 2) AquaC Skimmer EV 240. this is my first skimmer. it works great...
  17. Olivier

    running 180 gallon tank without skimmer

    hi everyone, Can I run my 180 gallon tank without skimmer, sump, overflow, nor return pump except circulation pump and heater for 2 days worst case 3 days?  I am loosing the battle with redslime algea.  I want to take my sump/fugium out and clean it also clean some rock in the tank that I can...
  18. Olivier

    WTB Neon Green Nepthea

    anyone have one of these Neon Green Nepthea frag for sale? I am looking for a piece. thanks Olivier
  19. Olivier

    sand cleaning help

    I siphon out about 1/2 a bucket of sand that have red slimmy algea on it (cyano). How can I clean the sand and put it back in my tank? suggest, advice is needed. Olivier
  20. Olivier

    It's Just a Catfish

    A good 6 lb test should do the trick . . . It's Just a Catfish! For all those crazy guys who go 'noodling' for catfish and stick their arms down the fish's throat, this would be 'all the catfish you can eat. Each year, a few people were drowning or disappearing mysteriously in Huadu's...