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"If you want to upgrade your tank I want you to upgrade my front porch!"



















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Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Looks great Matt! One of the nicest pink lemonade so have seen in a while.
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Everything looks great Matt.
Thanks Jim! I have been slacking lately and have not had time to take care of everything. I have been spending more time lately on it. Who got your fish trap when you broke down your tank? I have a GSM clown that is the biggest PIA. i have a frag rack above the nem and i can't put plugs in it anymore because the fish keeps knocking them out

Looks great Matt! One of the nicest pink lemonade so have seen in a while.

Thanks Kev! That PL came from Jim.

Your visit the other day helped light a fire under my butt to play more with the tank.
My newest addition is the Swalesi in the last picture. I wish I would see it more. It is one of the prettiest fish in my tank but you rarely see it. I thought it had died because I had not seen it in a month. I am starting to see it more and more recently. I hope it continues.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Thanks Jim! I have been slacking lately and have not had time to take care of everything. I have been spending more time lately on it. Who got your fish trap when you broke down your tank? I have a GSM clown that is the biggest PIA. i have a frag rack above the nem and i can't put plugs in it anymore because the fish keeps knocking them out

Thanks Kev! That PL came from Jim.

Your visit the other day helped light a fire under my butt to play more with the tank.

Funny you say that, I'm doing the same now that I was over. The tank looked great that day so I'm sure a little more attention will make it even better. Hope the frags are doing well
Thanks Jim! I have been slacking lately and have not had time to take care of everything. I have been spending more time lately on it. Who got your fish trap when you broke down your tank? I have a GSM clown that is the biggest PIA. i have a frag rack above the nem and i can't put plugs in it anymore because the fish keeps knocking them out

I think Mike(mnat) took the trap.

Thanks Kev! That PL came from Jim.

Your visit the other day helped light a fire under my butt to play more with the tank.

I thought that looked familiar. :encouragement:
Mike lives too far away. I have an acclimation box that I have been trying with but every fish in the tank will go in it just not the stupid clown!

There is a frag of it for you when you are ready.
The thing I have been fighting with the most is hydroids. Every now and again I see these little tiny jellyfish swimming around. I couldn't figure it out because they look nothing like hydroids they aren't always present. I'm sure it has to do with their life cycle. I net them if I see them. I can't seem to find anything online on how to get rid of them. I see people say that they will just go away on their own.
Mike lives too far away. I have an acclimation box that I have been trying with but every fish in the tank will go in it just not the stupid clown!

There is a frag of it for you when you are ready.

lol funny how that works. Last time I used my trap I had five fish in it at once but the culprit wouldn't go near it. I have at trap that you can borrow.
lol funny how that works. Last time I used my trap I had five fish in it at once but the culprit wouldn't go near it. I have at trap that you can borrow.

I may take you up on that. I have a new frag rack coming on Monday from the Alternative Reef. I will see if that helps. I know it wont stop the GSM from biting me when I stick my hands into the tank.

I still have that frag for you. Things have been busy with the kids and holidays. Now that everything is over I have a bunch of free time.


NJRC Member
Matt, if you're trying to trap a GSM, just wait a few hours after the lights go out. If it sleeps in an anemone, you should be able to take a container and just scoop it up with container on one side / hand on the other side (I'd suggest rubber gloves). When GSM's are asleep in a neme, they are surprisingly easy to catch. Just don't turn the tank lights on, use a dim light outside the tank. BTW, the tank is looking good. Ray
I may take you up on that. I have a new frag rack coming on Monday from the Alternative Reef. I will see if that helps. I know it wont stop the GSM from biting me when I stick my hands into the tank.

I still have that frag for you. Things have been busy with the kids and holidays. Now that everything is over I have a bunch of free time.

No problem just let me know if you want to grab it. What frag was I going to get from you lol? It's been hectic here also...
I Have been meaning to make a fish stock list but I never remember. I picked up another fish yesterday and it made me think of it again.

1- True Perc clown (first fish I ever got back in 09')
1- GSM Clown
1- Neon Purple Dotty
1- Marine Betta
1- Swales Swissguard Basslett
1- Gold/Blue Midas Blenny
1- Longnose Hawkfish
1- Yellow Tang
1- Purple Tang
1- Chevy Tang
1- Blotched Anthias
1- Male Labouti Fairy Wrasse
1- Male McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
1- Male Grey Head Wrasse
1- Male Bluethroat Trigger
2- Green Chromis
2- Bangai Cardinals
4- Lyretail Anthias (1 male 3 female)

My top 3 favorite

There are a few fish I plan to take out whenever I get around to catching them. The Chromis, GSM clown, and maybe the cardinals.
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Hows the labouti behaving?

For the most part he behaves. I just added the McCoskers and he hasn't messed with it. He isn't the biggest bully in the tank by far. Once i make it over to your place and borrow your trap so I can catch a bunch of the fish I want out I plan on adding some other flashers particularly an eightline. So we shall see.
If he's mellow so far then you might be OK. I'm going to try another one after I'm done adding wrasses. Those 8 lines are very nice. Mine flashed constantly but unfortunately it was one of the casualties during my velvet outbreak. Are you seeing them pop up for sale at all. I can't recall seeing them in a while.

Whevere you are ready for the trap just let me know.