• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
mikem said:
Welcome reseter5. You just found the best site on the web. Where are you located? You should come join us at one of our meetings.

Yeah, what he said! Welcome!
reseter5 said:
this is great..... a nj reefers place.... awesome... i just started in reef.. i had a fowlr for 4 years and just started off with some easy corals... my tanks are 180 flat back hex .and a 55 frag tank... just started out a few months ago with some leathers .. kenya tree... and poylps.. the fragginf of the kenya is going crazy.. great to be here.......

Welcome to NJRC. See you at a meeting soon I hope.


i am in central jersey.. near middletown.. monomouth county.. glad to be here...........


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
reseter5 said:
i am in central jersey.. near middletown.. monomouth county.. glad to be here...........

Theres at least 6 of us here in the Middletown area.
Hello everybody,

I'm Eva, found this site and immediately singed up few months ago. Also few months it took me to notice this post, sorry, too busy to read and read, learn and learn. I'm European, born and raised in Czechoslovakia, escaped from communism 19 years ago to Hackettstown and living there since. I always loved water (born Aquarius) and anything associated with it. I don't remember when I got my own aquarium, we always had one, but it was fresh water, of course, nobody there had even idea about salt water. I new only about Black sea, my father was born in Bulgaria, so we spent every summer there, and nobody could get me out of water, even there was nothing to see ???
I came here alone with two my little daughters, so beginning was tough, no time or money for hobby. Even when my husband could follow four long years later, we could afford only fresh water aquarium and often visits to the shore. We took girls thru colleges and now for few years are just us and 29 gal reef :)
I'm still in learning stage, even after two years, sometimes very frustrated, and upset, if some coral is disappearing I can't figure why and can't help :'(. Unfortunately I don't know anybody with same hobby I could talk to (sorry, until now), so I was always depended on a "help" of many fish stores I tried. Just spend money, was even more frustrated, and ended up reading more books or searching net. I have 6 small fish and they doing great, so I can't be total fail, but I'm fascinated by corals, since our vacation to Hawaii and me being snuba diving and snorkeling all the time.
I'm sorry it's too long, I don't know why, but it's one of these moments when you are ready to spill you guts ( oh, I hope my English is right).
Thank you for listening - reading, hope to meet you all in the next meeting. Oh, that's why, I'm bumped I could go today, because I had to work. But life is beautiful, one day I will get there !!!!!!!!!! ;)


NJRC Member
Welcome Eva, you could just ask any questions any time, also with your location, so for folks around your area can some time stop by to help out also...
hope to see you next month...


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome to NJRC Eva. I'm glad you found us.
We also go diving during the warmer weather.
Hi Everyone.

My name is Adam and I'm from the Cherry Hill area. I've been into SW and FW aquariums since I was little, but just got back into SW again recently. I've currently got a 24G nano-cube that's completely stock at the moment. It's been up for 24 days and I just started adding my clean up crew this weekend.

3 cerith snails
3 nassarius snails
3 blue leg hermits
1 peppermint shrimp (for my aptasia problem)

I really excited to have found a local group, this should be a great resource.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome Adam, we're glad you found us. You seem to be a good area in that there are lot of other members from around there. If you get a chance, post up some pics of your tank. It's always fun watching them grow.
welcome adam! feel free to start a nano-tank thread - lots of folks there to compare notes with. Those snails are a great choice (unless your tank is barebottom).

there's also a thread going on for "south" members...welcome again!
phil519 said:


I dunno if that is right...looked it up in a dictionary! ;D

Thank you Phil, in check language we say Vitej but it's pretty close I'm impressed :)
Hello everyone. My name is Bill and I am a Reef-Aholic, well not really but I am striving to be. I just joined this group and this is my first post. I have had fish tanks since I was very young, eight or nine or so. I progressed to Salt Water when I was in 8th Grade. I keep Salt Water tanks until I left home for the military after High School. When I left the Army in 200 I jumped righ back into the hobbie with a 55g. I am currently right in the middle of a transition from that 55g, which was a FOWLR, to a 180g Reef. I heard about this group from a guy I had ran into at Animals & Things in Woodbridge (which is only good for dry goods by the way). I did not catch the gentlemen's name, but thanks for the advice about this group (we spoke in the parking lot- I was buying a new 55g). Anyhow, like I was saying, I finally saved enough cash to make the jump to a larger tank and buy the necessary equipment (and LR & LS) to go reef.

My tank is located in my basement, which is actually a bar (not a public bar, just for personal use). The tank is built into a wall. Behind the tank is a room where my furnace, hot water heater, and a fridge (which holds the keg of Guinness for the bar) is located.

I started this project on Wednesday and pretty much worked on it for 48 hours straight- removing the old, taking the fish to the pet store, cutting and framing a bigger hole in the wall, builting a new stand, plumbing, multiple trips to Home Depot & LFS's, and so on.... I am using a new 55g as a sump/refugium. I decided to use a new tank rather than my old 55g because that tank has a built-in overflow in the corner (anyone want to buy it?). It was my first time partioning a tank with silicone, not the prettiest job ever but the sections are not leaking so I guess I did alright.

My lighting will be 3x250w 10k MH's, 4x96w T5 Atinics, and 12 Blue & White Lunar LED's and a 2x65w PC fixture for the refugium. I will be using the 90lbs of Live Rock from my old 55g, plus 360lbs of LR from Tampa Bay Saltwater. I will also be using 180lbs of Live Sand, also from TBS. I will be using a Red Sea Berlin Skimmer, which I plan on upgrading eventually (funds permitting). I will be using a Fluval FX5 for carbon and a phosphate sponge, no bio media. Other equipmenet includes 2 Jager 250w Heaters w/ a Ranco Controller, a RO/DI unit with an Automatic Top-Off Unit, and 4 Power Sweep 228 powerheads.

I planning on keeping a pair of Clownfish (Perc's probally), a couple tangs (Purple? Yellow? Hippo? Powder Blue?- still undecided), and maybe some Blue/Green Chromis (5). Also, since it is a reef tank, there will be coral and inverts as well. And since I have never keep corals before, I am sure I will have a ton of questions along the way. I belong to the forums on ReefCentral.com & About.com, but I'd rather get my advice from the finest people on the planet- New Jersians!

So feel free to give me any suggestions/advice!




Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome Bill! Sounds like your well on your way again! You could always start a thread in the Tale the tank forum...It's a great way to document your progress.

Hopefully we'll see you at a meeting soon!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome Bill. That was a nice introduction. If you ever see that guy from the parking lot again, tell him we said "thanks" for pointing you in our direction!

Feel free to ask any quesitons you may have. Someone here is sure to be able to answer it. Thanks again for posting and I look forward to seeing some progress pics.
Welcome Bill!

I really liked my tbs stuff but there were some hitchers I wish didn't tag along... ::) but I won't take up space on this post with that stuff. Perhaps you'll start a tale of the tank thread! (hint)

Oh and if I could just drop a plug here - definitely consider joining as a member...a lot of our sponsors offer discounts and even better you could join in our group buys!
Hey Bill, welcome!

Anyone with a bar and Guinness on tap needs to join the club and volunteer to host a meeting immediately! ;D


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Our next spot in Central isn't available until March of '09 right now. Hopefully you'll be stocked by then ;)