• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself


NJRC Member
phil519 said:
Congratulations on expecting a 3rd! After having two girls I don't think we will entertain thoughts of another...until people who have had 3 kids can convince me that it will get saner in the household. :D

It only gets easier after 5. REALLY!!!

j/k ;D

Welcome to the club!
hello everyone,
Not born or raised in NJ. lived here as a child and moved back as after highschool. I started my 75G as a semi aggresive tank back last Feb. In Oct. I moved up to a soft coral reef. In Nov. I upgraded my lighting system from PC's to Current T5 Nova Extreme and now am holding SPS'/LPS's and am loving it. just joined the forums and am looking forward to possible start swapping and selling corals. Am also looking forward to meeting good people wit lots of knowledge and plenty of helpful tips since I am still farely new at all this. Well thats all for now. Thanks



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome, Mark!

You will get lots of good advice here! Try and make it to a meeting. They are a LOT of fun, and a great learning experience. You can grab lots of nice ideas from all the different systems you see.
again still very new to the forums where would I find posts for meetings? also a buddy of mine is thinkg about starting up a little 10 gal nano. what skimmer would you guys recomend? also would PC bulbs 96 watts total for the ten gallon be enough to hold acros? if not any suggestions other than halide due to the heat?

Hi, My names Keith. I'm originally from Detroit, but moved to NJ last year from Mississippi. My wife and I got hooked on saltwater while in Utah and became WMAS members while there. Speaking of my wife, her name is Betsy and is from Puerto Rico. We have two little girls, Alex and Andrea. Since we recently (read yesterday) got back into it with our 18 gallon. I figured it was time to say hi.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome Keith (and Betsy!). We're glad you found us. Good luck with the new tank. Feel to ask any questions you may have. There are a ton of helpful and knowledgeable people around here. Also, next month's meeting is in Cherry Hill. We call them meetings but in reality they're more like family friendly parties! If you get a chance, you should try to swing by with the family. I'm sure you'll all enjoy yourselves.


NJRC Member
Welcome Keith, Betsy, Alex, Andrea to NJ and join NJRC!
summer time is coming, have fun to attend all the meetings/parties...!
I guess I should have introduced my self!

I'm born-and-bread NJ, grew up in Basking Ridge but currently living in East Windsor. In a month, I will be getting married and moving to Pennington. I am a final year doctoral student in classical piano at Rutgers, and I teach and perform in the primarily in the Princeton area.

My reef is my refuge from a hectic schedule. Hopefully, as I finish up my doctoral projects over the next year, I will find time to come to a meeting! You folks have been really helpful in your posts... I would love to meet you in person and have some brew-skis!



NJRC Member
Welcome Don to NJRC. Hopefully you will find time to attend some meetings. Classical Piano, we love going into Lincoln Center to hear Ling Ling. He is absolutely amazing!! ;D

Definitely make time in October for the frag swap. ;D



Although I'm new to NJRC, I've been in the hobby for 38 years....in fact, when I was in high school I worked in the first pet shop in NJ to have saltwater fish (Tropiquarium; 1970) and have been with the hobby ever since, experimenting with every piece of equipment and theory that has come into and out of vogue over the years. I was a marine biology major during my first three years of college until a well-respected M.B. professor talked me out of continuing that persuit (no jobs, etc.) so I went back to my childhood dream of becoming a veterinarian. I now am a Board-Certified Avian Specialist and own the Amwell Bird Hospital & Pet Shop in Hillsborough. I recently set up a small section in my bird hospital for reef tanks, equipment, and livestock, and offer seminars to my clients (or anyone) interested in getting into the hobby. As a veterinarian, I have a special interest in fish disease. I quarantine AND TREAT all fish for all possible parasites, for 4-5 weeks, before offering them for sale from my pet shop. Although I take quite a few losses this way, I can be confident that the fish I sell will be free of parasites, thus eliminating much frustration and disaster for those not well-experienced with quarantine techniques. AND, I am trying to do this and still sell the fish at the same prices most pet shops charge for newly-imported, non-quarantined, fish. (No copper is used due to its toxicity).
My personal tank is a 500 gallon reef tank. In my pet shop I have reef tanks set up in an 120 gal Oceanic Tech tank, as well as a 75 gal and 50 gal tank. I hold quarantined fish (ready-to-sell) in a 90 and 65 gallon tank. In my home are four, 30 gal quarantine tanks.
My latest endeavor is to try my hand at breeding marine fish. After 6 months of reading and planning, I am about ready to set up a bank of eight tanks for breeding pairs. (My bird hospital and pet shop are in part of my home, so I'm around all the time to tend to such a tedious venture!) I've been breeding parrots for 25 years and am now ready to take on a new challenge.
If you might be interested in reading more about my bird hospital or viewing photos of my tanks, please visit my website www.amwellbirdhospital.com. Click on the aquarium link, and then on the SEMINARS link to see a few photos.
Thanks for "listening" ... and hope to meet some NJRC members soon!
Dr. Jim (James McKinley, DVM, Dipl.ABVP)
Hello fellow reefers, my name is Brian and I would like to introduce myself. I have been keeping coral and sw fish for about six years now strictly using the ecosystem method. I have never even owned a skimmer and see no reason to in the future. I strongly believe in this method and have had success with many soft and sps corals. I feel that whatever method you choose you must stick with strictly. I have seen successful tanks using different methods and think they are ALL great. I just happened to go with what I felt was the easiest and it worked for me. My system now is a 150 gallon custom tank with large ecosystem sump,3 return pumps (about 2500 gallons an hour flow with 3 sea swirls),2 Tunze wavemakers in tank, 2 250watt hqi and 2 150 watt hqi. The tank is in my basement built into the wall with a room behind. I also have a connected 30 gallon frag tank with a 250watt halide. I am always fragging stuff so I look forward to swapping in the future. Thank you for letting me introduce myself I like the idea of this being a local forum. I am looking forward to meeting many of you at upcoming meetings and on line.
hello all, my name is wayne, i am 40 yrs old, i have lived in jersey for 30 of them, born in philly, i have had salt water tanks since i was 19, i currently have a 90 fowlr in my bedroom wall
that has been up and running for 3 years now, my newest addition is my 175 bow front reef in my living room, it has been going since november of 07, i was originaly going to just do softies and lps, but now im on a mission to make it a sps tank, i just purchased a my reef creations mrc3 so i can keep it crystal clear, i think im ready, ill be looking for frags soon, so keep me in mind guys, my old lady isnt to thrilled about it, but i keep telling her its a healthy addiction, ::), lol, well thats it for now, i live in tuckahoe, just outside of ocean city in case you were wondering where the hell is tuckahoe.............


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hey another Cape May County guy! I'm in Court House. Welcome to the board!

Wanted to introduce myself as I am new member. Name is Michael, live in Delran, NJ (born and raised in south jersey), married to my wife Andrea for six years
(long years - no just kidding) and have an 18 month old son.

Have admired reef tanks for the last 18 or so years but never ventured into setting one up as I was waiting to get settled a little. About 4 years ago started the process of designing and planning a tank. Started with a 300 gallon concept but then moved and forced a redesign to a 210 (because of length). Currently, have a 210 AGA (14 months), reef ready tank in the family room with an 85 gallong sump in the basement. Sand bottom (about 4 inches) with live rock. Running an MRC 3 skimmer. Circulation is accomplished through 4 3/4" "yed" outlets via locline feeding of a 1.5" manifold along the back of the tank. Additional three closed loop systems through 1" holes drilled half way up back wall controlled through an Aquacontroller. Lighting through 3 250watt 14k MH, 2 6 ft super actinics.

Have not been very happy about how the tank the tank progressed. Had two battles with hair algae which overtook the tank and caused much aggravation. Finally removed most of the rock and scrubbed off the algae which left me basically starting over. Redesigned the sump/return manifolds to increase flow - added a Reeflo Hammerhead for the return - we shall see how it goes.

Found the club through the web and would very much appreciate being able to get my system flourishing using the collective experiences and knowledge of those that have actually enjoying the hobby for years.

