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Hello all,

I've been looking back and forth into several sites and looks like I'll be setting up my own saltwater tank soon with the help of you guys. Thanks for the help! Even though I havent posted much, I've learned alot from other peoples questions! Watch out for my tank in the near future... -T


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome to all of the new Club members and forum users. I hope you all find what you're looking for here.

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing some progress pics so head over to the Tale of Tank forum and let us know what you've got going on.
Will definitely post some progress pics once I get started with mine (sans seahorses, WAAAAAY too much hassle) and as for the scuba gear... not so sure. Will a snorkle work for now?
Vikki said:
Will definitely post some progress pics once I get started with mine (sans seahorses, WAAAAAY too much hassle) and as for the scuba gear... not so sure. Will a snorkle work for now?

What about SNUBA? ;D

dastrader said:
Well I guess it is time to dive in ;D

My name is David,

I have been tagging along for about 8 months now. I set up a 28 JBJ about 7 months ago. I got into the hobby by complete accident. 3 Years ago my wife and I were landscaping our back yard and she wanted "some water". That led to a 900 gallon pond with a little waterfall. That led to 3 Koi and 10-15 goldfish. I've learned a ton over the last three years and managed to not lose any fish with the exception of a Blue Heron that got 2-3 of the bigger goldfish before I was able to stop him.


My neighbor has a koi pond. I always wondered how they survive the winter months...do you just keep a pump running to prevent ice from forming? Ah - another topic in open water I guess. Welcome!
lol...snuba is used on cruise lines and gimmicks for tourists.

Basically you are snorkeling with a verrrrrrrrrrrry long line attached to the boat that is hooked to an oxygen tank. I've seen it in hawai'i on the boat tours.
Well, if I follow Mike's advice, I'll actually end up living in a full sized tank, probably a few thousand gallons, so I think I should probably invest in a rebreather... :D
i snuba'd in the carribean, basically a raft at the serface holds an ait tank. us to 4 20' hoses run to individual regulators under water, and since all you do is breath, no certification required, can only go 20' deep but in the carribean that is more than enough to see some really cool stuff...
dastrader, you can check on reefcentral constantly. I've seen multiple ones for free. 400gallon, 120, etc. Unfortunately, I never got picked but someday you might get the chance. so good luck!
Thanks for the info. I'm probably not ready for anything bigger yet anyway. So much to learn. But having a blast doing it.

To answer Hawkeye, yes, I keep the pump running and the waterfall keeps a hole in the ice. (You can also buy a floating heater if you don't want to run the pump) So far (this is the 3rd winter), all the fish have survived perfectly. The pond is supposed to be at least 2 feet deep. (Mine is just that in the middle).
What up ya'll my name is drew born and raised jersey currently reside in north brunswick. i'm 24 turning 25 next month. i'm a mechanic and own a shop in union. 2080 springfield ave. vauxhall 07088. anyone need work or state inspection come on by. i am new to the hobby i spent the last year researching and building my set up. it's a 140 gallon closed-loop system.
hello all, my name is frank, I am 32 years old. I was born/raised and will have jersey dirt thrown on me when i expire. I have worked as a mailman in the paterson district for the last 10 years. I have been into/had fish for all my life except for the last seven years due to my lack of funds from day care. I had a successful planted discuss tank when i was 15, but when i saw my first reef tank i was hooked. Nothing could compare and started a small reef tank but two years later had to break it down and give it up. I needed time and money for the family and house. I do not have a running system as of now but wish i can get something going again in the next year and introduce this hobby to my children.
Hey Smyth, Welcome.

You've come to the right place. Any questions? Just ask away. There are plenty of friendly people here to help.
Smyth said:
hello all, my name is frank, I am 32 years old. I was born/raised and will have jersey dirt thrown on me when i expire. I have worked as a mailman in the paterson district for the last 10 years. I have been into/had fish for all my life except for the last seven years due to my lack of funds from day care. I had a successful planted discuss tank when i was 15, but when i saw my first reef tank i was hooked. Nothing could compare and started a small reef tank but two years later had to break it down and give it up. I needed time and money for the family and house. I do not have a running system as of now but wish i can get something going again in the next year and introduce this hobby to my children.

welcome frank!
discus are amazing fish...I actually knew a couple buddies of mine in NY that bred them (it was the most humid basement ever...lol) and sold the babies to lfs. Anyways - I didn't have a tank for a good year on this board but it was fun to hang around and read other tanks/look at pics. Even though my tank is up - money is tight for me too so everything is going slow. Would be great if you could come to a meeting so we can place a face to the name. Welcome!

David - thanks for the info. A koi pond would be neat. I'll have to ask you questions about it on a different thread!
Just saying hi. I am 27 married guy with 3 kids. The wife and I are both new to saltwater tanks. I am in the slow process of setting up a 75 gal tank (150 gallon system). I grew up in PA and have lived in NJ for about 5 years. I grew up with 2 30 gallon tanks as a kid and I have finally had the time and money to get back into fish keeping.

I work for a plumbing and irrigation supply house so if anyone needs any pvc or spears parts let me know. I will also work out a discount for NJR members.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus

Welcome! You are going to love being a NJRC Member. Feel free to ask questions.

Wow, there's been a huge rush of new members, that's cool! Looks like I joined here just in time. Welcome to all the newcomers. We've got a great bunch of people here, very helpful and fun to chat with. Feel free to join in the insanity. ;D